# Registry
# Description
A collection of commands to interact with Image Registry.
This collection of commands helps in tasks such as pushing and pulling docker images from image registries, including cloud registries like ECR and GCR and Dockerhub.
# Push
usage: mldock registry push [--dir <path>] [--provider <text>] [--region <text>]
[--build] [--tag <text>] [--stage <text>]
# Description
Push docker container image to Image Registry.
# Options
path to MLDOCK directory
Cloud container provider to push container image to.
(Default=None) Region, specific to provider, where cloud container registry is available.
(Optional) Flag which tells MLDOCK to build before pushing container image.
(Default=latest) Selects which container image varient to run container as.
(Optional) Selects which stage to run docker container in.
# Pull
usage: mldock registry pull [--dir <path>] [--provider <text>] [--region <text>]
[--tag <text>] [--stage <text>]
# Description
Pull docker container image from Image Registry.
# Options
path to MLDOCK directory.
Cloud container provider to pull container image from.
(Default=None) Region, specific to provider, where cloud container registry is available.
(Default=latest) Selects which container image varient to run container as.
(Optional) Selects which stage to run docker container in.