# Cloud Platforms

MLDOCK's core goals mean that it works for any container service that can run docker, with the only caveats being service specific limitations. At it's heart ❤️ MLDOCK is designed to enable docker-based container development workflows.

# Supported Platforms

A complete list of supported cloud platforms:

Registry training jobs deploy jobs Official Support
dockerhub registry logo DockerHub 🚀
aws elstic container registry AWS ECR 🚀
aws-fargate-logo-60x60 AWS Fargate coming soon
aws-ec2-logo-60x60 AWS EC2 🚀
sagemaker-logo-60x60 Sagemaker 🚀
aws-lambda-logo-60x60 Lambda coming soon
google container registry GCP GCR 🚀
kubernetes-logo-60x60 Kubernetes coming soon
gcp-cloudrun-logo-60x60 GCP CloudRun Platform 🚀
gcp-aiplatform-logo-60x60 GCP AI Platform coming soon
gcp-compute-engine-logo-60x60 GCP Compute Engine 🚀